Inmate Record Check

Arrests, Warrant, Mugshot, Docket

Perform a free Geauga County Ohio inmate records search, including jail rosters, inmate list, persons in custody, recent arrests, mugshot lookups, and active booking logs.

The Geauga County Jail is a full-service, minimum to maximum security facility located in Chardon, Ohio. The jail has a capacity of 182 inmates. There are 38 beds for females, 84 beds for general population males and 60 beds for males participating in the Community Service or Work Release Program. The jail has 9 additional cells that are designated to inmates on suicide watch, have mental health issues, or have disciplinary issues. The jail provides inmates access to many programs and classes such as active parenting, adult basic education, Alcoholics Anonymous, bible study, community services, inmate work programs, drug and alcohol recovery treatment and life skills. The jail is responsible for releasing inmate mugshots and information.

Lieutenant Kathy Rose, Jail Administrator
Phone: 440-279-2009 ext 4411

Geauga County Jail
12450 Merritt Road
Chardon, OH 44024
Phone: 440-279-2009

How to Send Mail or Package

Inmates are allowed to receive mail from their friends and family members. Letters addressed to inmates will normally be delivered on the same day they are received and will be opened in their presence and inspected for contraband. No reading materials, packages, cards that have layers such as cellophane, or mail with glitter, glue, lipstick, perfume, stickers or tape will be accepted.

Mail can be sent to:

Inmate’s Full Name
C/o Geauga County Jail
12450 Merritt Road
Chardon, OH 44024

Funds can be added to an inmate’s account online, onsite or by mail. To add funds to an account onsite, visit the kiosk in the jail lobby. To add funds online, visit the 3rd party provider’s website called JailATM. To add funds by mail, send a money order filled out to the inmate to the jail.

Visitation Hours

Inmates are encouraged to visit with their friends and family members while incarcerated. All inmates are able to have video visitation with their loved ones. Inmates are allowed 1 twenty-five minute visit per day. Visits need to be scheduled at least 12 hours in advance using a 3rd party provider called InmateSales.

Monday-Sunday: 9am-10:55 am, 11:30am- 2:25 pm, 3pm-4:55pm, 7pm-10:25pm

The Geauga County Sheriff’s Office is responsible for releasing traffic accident, incident, offense and arrest reports to the public. The office asks that the person calls and makes sure the report is available. Record requests can be submitted in person or over the phone. Records must be picked up in person once they are ready.

Inmate Record Check

Arrests, Warrant, Mugshot, Docket

Geauga County Sheriff’s Information

The Geauga County Sheriff’s Office is a law enforcement agency located in Chardon, Ohio. The office is responsible for patrolling the county, enforcing all laws, investigating crimes, servicing the courts and providing and maintaining the jail. The office is composed of 4 main divisions: civil services, communications, corrections and law enforcement.

Scott A. Hildenbrand, Sheriff

Geauga County Sheriff’s Office
12450 Merritt Road
Chardon, OH 44024
Phone: 440-279-2009
Fax: 440-286-3251
Email: [email protected]

Geauga County is located in northeast Ohio. The county covers a total of 408 square miles and has a population of 93,649. There are 7 cities in the county: Chardon, Burton, Chesterland, Middlefield, Bainbridge, South Russell and Aquilla. The county seat is Chardon.

2021 Violent Crime Rate Geauga County – 34
Data Source: Uniform Crime Reporting (UCR) Program

Geauga County Public Records Information

Public records are available through the Geauga County Government. There is a public records request available for download on the county website. Record requests must be submitted in writing and then returned in person, by mail or fax.

Geauga County Government
9950 High Country Drive
Chardon, OH 44024
Phone: 440-285-2222
Fax: 440-286-2679

Inmate Record Check

Arrests, Warrant, Mugshot, Docket

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